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Led by the U.S. Agency for International Development, Feed the Future draws on the agricultural, trade, investment, development and policy resources and expertise of multiple U.S. federal departments and agencies. We’ve put whole-of-government into practice.

Meet the U.S. Government #EndHunger Squad

In the time since, Feed the Future has made valuable contributions to global food security.

Click play to learn about Feed the Future’s impact to date.

Feed the Future brings the best America has to offer to bear to fight global hunger.

A decade later, we reflect on progress made and what we have learned about what it will take to sustainably reduce global hunger, poverty and malnutrition in the decade ahead. The world has changed since the food price spikes of 2007 and 2008, and Feed the Future is changing with it.

Our work over the past decade has taught us that progress against hunger and poverty is possible. We are adjusting so that, in the decade to come, we are prepared to meet more dynamic challenges and secure a future free from hunger.

Learn more in our latest progress snapshot.

Over the last decade, Feed the Future has built a powerful and diverse coalition of partners to fight global hunger. Check out the stories below to learn more about our various partners and how we are achieving more together.

Join the Conversation Online

Feed the Future is empowering communities around the world with the tools and resources they need to tackle the root causes of hunger and poverty and meet future challenges. Tell us how your efforts are building on a decade of progress in food security to end hunger. Use the hashtag #EndHunger to join the conversation online.

Twitter: @FeedtheFuture


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