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In Their Own Words: Testimonials from Tanzanian Farmers

The Fintrac-implemented Feed the Future Tanzania Mboga na Matunda program (FTFT-MnM) began in 2017 and will benefit more than 40,000 rural families, including 60 percent women and 30 percent youth.

Since its inception, FTFT-MnM has integrated nutrition trainings into its agricultural technical assistance activities to improve the food security and overall well-being of the entire household. We teach farmers the importance of growing and consuming nutrient-rich foods to increase dietary diversity for improved health, while simultaneously increasing incomes from the production of high-value crops.

To date, our agronomists and nutrition specialists have conducted 2,160 trainings and demonstrations benefiting 44,314 individuals. Here are just a few of their stories.

“I have learned how to cook ‘Viwholo’ (green peas) as part of training on the importance of preparing and eating different types of nutritious food. Before that, this wasn’t considered particularly important by most families in Kitasengwa.

Now that the nutrition specialist from the Mboga na Matunda project has trained us on how best to prepare and consume foods that are available in our village to supplement the more common foods we eat, I think this will make our life more enjoyable and easier. It may take some time, of course. But, I sincerely hope that the villagers will get used to it soon enough.”

Mathias Mhelela, smallholder farmer

“I used to hate the taste of okra. But, I now have realized that it was just a fear I had deep down in me that turned out to be groundless. After participating in the Mboga na Matunda project training course on the proper preparation of meals including okra, I have finally conquered my fear of okra dishes… It all depends on how you prepare the okra, as the program’s nutrition specialist said.”

Innocent Kyando, smallholder farmer

“The lesson given by the Feed the Future Tanzania Mboga na Matunda program has helped us to understand the importance of empowering women to positively impact agricultural development in particular, as well as the family, society, and the economy as a whole. It is my hope that all of the course participants will spread the good message to others.”

Amabitis Cheula, smallholder farmer

“We are most grateful to the Mboga na Matunda project for helping Tanzanians to improve their living conditions through modern farming. We have enough arable land, and thanks to the sensitization of the young generation and the state-of-the-art farming technologies the program is bringing to the country, I am sure we will conquer the challenges of the future.”

Benny Tukano, smallholder farmer



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