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Mr. Ibrahima Sall, president of Senegal’s Northern Rice Millers Association (ARN) and CEO of Coumba Nor Thiam


Feed the Future aims to build long-term food security and stimulate broad-based, long-lasting economic growth, which our partner countries ultimately own and lead. We need businesses with expertise and a desire to expand into new markets to help make it happen.

Together, we are equipping smallholder farmers with the tools, skills, resources and connections needed to improve their incomes and help sustainably grow and transform agricultural economies into healthy ones that create opportunity and benefit us all.

Successful public-private partnerships are mutually beneficial relationships: You further your business goals while helping us transform economies to reduce poverty, hunger and undernutrition. We both bring unique core capacities that benefit our joint work. We co-design, co-fund and co-implement the project, sharing the risks, responsibilities and results.

Our Partners

The business community is a key partner in our work, including more than 60 U.S. companies whose expertise and ingenuity we’ve leveraged — in addition to international businesses and the extensive network of local companies in countries where we work.

Get Involved

Feed the Future is looking to partner with private sector companies that:

  • Work in an area pertinent to improving food security, resilience and nutrition, from farm to fork
  • Work or want to work in Feed the Future countries and target value chains
  • Can bring new resources that meet minimum resource requirements (typically $250,000 or more)
  • Bring a win-win mentality to achieving business and development goals

Given our focus on development, we are looking for partners who demonstrate a long-term commitment to the economic viability of the project beyond our support. A partnership may be right for you if you are interested in creating a public good by leveraging your knowledge and experience in the private sector. Strong partnerships aim to bolster capacity in developing countries by transferring technical expertise and by establishing ongoing relationships with a breadth of organizations, here and abroad.

Partnerships work when you are able to bring significant resources to the project, invest time in co-designing a project and learning how best to partner with the government, and adhere to government regulations and policies. If your project requires a tight, fixed schedule or the project goals don’t align with our objectives, a partnership might not be a good fit.

How Does A Partnership Work

  1. Exploration A potential private sector partner reaches out to inquire about initiating a partnership with us.
  2. Partnership Design The potential private sector partner may modify an existing program or develop a new one. If public and private partners find that their goals align, they may sign a partnership agreement, outlining the type of partnership and the project. This process may take 6 months to a year.
  3. Governance All partners involved on a project formalize the relationship by signing a Memorandum of Understanding. This assures that all parties have a common expectation for performance, roles, and responsibilities.
  4. Implementation To ensure progress once the project is underway, partners generally review the work plan annually to make adjustments as needed and realign priorities. Partnerships generally last two to five years.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation The U.S. Government provides robust monitoring and evaluation on all Feed the Future projects, including partnerships. This keeps all participants accountable to the goals of the partnership and measures whether we are achieving results.

Get Involved

There are a variety of ways for businesses to work with Feed the Future.

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