While the work of fighting global hunger can be complex, the goal is simple: to help families lead well-nourished, resilient and prosperous lives. Behind every statistic is a life—a child who doesn't need to wonder whether he'll eat dinner tonight, a mother who can now earn an income selling her own vegetables, a researcher bringing a new irrigation system to a small village. These are their stories.
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Agriculture-Led Growth
Evaluation & Learning
Gender Equity, Equality and Women’s Empowerment
Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning
Private Sector Engagement
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With an Eye on the Weather, Researcher Helps Farmers Prepare for the Future
Farmers Fight Grain Loss With Purdue University Storage Solution
Good Nutrition Campaign Puts a Dent in Indonesia’s Child Stunting
Scientific Modeling Helps Defend Tomatoes Against Flying Foe
Kansas State University Battles Sorghum’s Newest Enemy With Science
American Innovators Bring Agricultural Technologies to Global Markets
Feed the Future and World Food Program Open $1.4 Million Grain Warehouse in Uganda
Increasing Food Security in Banke